Tuesday, 10 September 2013

7 week marathon training: week 4

This week has been a tough one, I've done much the same routine as last week but increased my long run and I felt it physically and mentally.

Great trail running on the ranges
I ran 16 miles the previous Saturday and then didn't run again until the Wednesday just gone. I didn't plan a 3 day rest but due to work and personal commitments that's the way it turned out.


Wednesdays run was back on the ranges and some hill training on the trails. It was a beautiful evening and probably the last real hot day this year. I ran on my own this week and followed the same route out as last week including the double short but steep back to back hills (a killer but worth it). I took a wrong turn on the way back which was shorter so had to add a bit on to the run when I neared the car to get close to the planned 8 miles.

More trails
Thursday - Rest day.

Friday - I've been running really slowly since my comeback, so I tried to get a bit of speed back running at lunchtime along the canal. I was chuffed to run the 4 miles with 8:15 min/miles, anything in the 7 min/mile pace is fast for me, so it was good to get back close to that.

Saturday - Rest day.

Sunday - The long run. It was my intention to run the same route as last week, out and back to Brookwood along the canal, last week I was a bit short of 16 miles so had to run a bit extra around my estate to bump the miles up. This week I ran a diferent way out of my estate and added a bit extra on when I got to Brookwood.


New Gadget
I've got a new Polar heart rate monitor to review (review next post) and as I knew the distance so didn't take any GPS with me. After the run I measured the route on Google earth and was chuffed to learn I'd actually ended up running 17.5 miles.

But it was tough, the last few miles felt I was running through quicksand, I was mentally and physically shot. I slept for an hour and a half that afternoon and felt grouchy the rest of the day but I took some CherryActive and today (Monday) feel surprisingly recovered with no aches or pains.

I hate that feeling when you're close to hitting the wall on a run and I'm doubting whether I've got it in me to run the marathon in 3 weeks. Don't get me wrong, I will definitely run it, but I think I'll aim to run to 20 miles and run/walk the remainder. I'm not in this one for a PB, but just to enjoy the experience.


Training for 26.2 miles is just so exhausting, I want to get back to really enjoying my running, no pressure and back to my Friday 13 miles to work as my weekly long run. That's what I'll be doing to the end of the year.

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